Trinidad, CA Jun 3 Written By Jessica Breuer Sea Stars and Anemones I took my kids out at low tide this past weekend. We found so many cool creatures! Trinidad State Beach is a great place to go! There are so many great rocks and pools for creatures to hide in. Trinidad My son counted to around 160 starfish at one point! Marine Muscles and a Sea Star I hope my little picture share inspires you to get out and see what you can find too! Cute little crab! Lil’ Dude had a barnacle on his head! Keyhole Jessica Breuer Seascape and Nature Photographer
Trinidad, CA Jun 3 Written By Jessica Breuer Sea Stars and Anemones I took my kids out at low tide this past weekend. We found so many cool creatures! Trinidad State Beach is a great place to go! There are so many great rocks and pools for creatures to hide in. Trinidad My son counted to around 160 starfish at one point! Marine Muscles and a Sea Star I hope my little picture share inspires you to get out and see what you can find too! Cute little crab! Lil’ Dude had a barnacle on his head! Keyhole Jessica Breuer Seascape and Nature Photographer