Aurora Borealis
Jewel Beach Kodiak, Alaska
It’s Throw Back Thursday! This week I thought I would share a few Northern Light photos from when I lived in Alaska and first started playing around with Night Photography.
Mill Bay Beach Kodiak, Alaska
There’s nothing like watching the Northern Lights! It’s so cool to watch the sky light up! I remember the first time I saw them as a young girl living in Washington State. My parents loaded up my brother and I and we drove out of town so we could go watch from a dark place, which just so happened to be a cemetery. It’s exciting as a kid to be up watching the night sky when you should be in bed!
Mill Bay Beach Kodiak, Alaska
In Alaska I was usually out on my own while Hubby and the kids were home sleeping, but every once in a while they came out to look at the sky too.
Today star gazing, and watching all the exciting things you can find in the sky, is still one of my favorite things to do! It reminds me of what a big God we have and how tiny I am. He’s an amazing Creator! I love to take my kids out to see our wondrous world! I love to see their delight as they discover what’s up there for themselves.
Mill Bay Beach Kodiak, Alaska
If you ever get the chance to go see the Northern Lights, do so! It’s totally worth the lack of sleep! If you live in a location where they show up often, you can even get an app on your phone that will tell you when your best chances of seeing them are!
So what is the Aurora Borealis? You can look at Wikipedia for a the full technical explanation but basically it’s caused by disturbances in the magnetosphere by solar wind. A lot of action on the sun (solar flares) will mean beautiful Auroras here on earth!
I hope someday to get another chance to photograph the Aurora now that I have better equipment and more knowledge! How cool would that be to go to Fairbanks or Iceland???
Have you ever photographed the Aurora? I’d love to see! Leave me a comment.