Tranquil Eventide
Moonstone Beach, Trinidad, California
I just got the most exciting news!
Recently I took an amazing class “The World Around You” with Kristen Ryan. If you ever get the chance I HIGHLY recommend her class over at Click Photo School! Kristen is an amazing teacher and mentor! I learned so much from her!
After taking her class, Kristen Ryan invited me to become a part of her photography community “Women Capture Magic”.
Women Capture Magic are putting out a coffee table book just in time for Christmas!
My photograph “Tranquil Eventide” has been chosen to be featured! This will be my first featured photo ever! What an honor to be included in this project! I’m blessed to have been chosen to be a part of this community of women and this book!
Stay tuned for more exciting details and where you’ll be able to get your own copy of all these gorgeous nature images!
I can’t wait!